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Welcome to my blog

My interest in writing, especially poetry came to be when I was in my senior year in secondary school, when I was introduced to the world of prose and poetry of famous figures in literature. With the likes of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Cristina Georgina Rosetti, Edgar Allan Poe, to name a few. Their poetry influenced me and inspired me to follow their themes and moods. As I go through my writing and develop my skill, I want to share my poetry to the rest of the people who will get to be interested on my poems, I just wish that somehow in my own little way I have contributed even just a stray of inspiration to those who are like me, wanted to be a part of poetry world. So I want to welcome every one of you, whether you're a visitor by accident or by design; and for acquiantances, this is the other side of me; here's hoping that you'll be able to get a glimpse of me through the pages of my poetry as you read between the lines...


        She opened the photographs once more, for the last time she decided; before she closes it all forever and move forward without turning back.
     As she flip over one page after another, memories come flooding, the joy and happiness shared with someone who cares, love and tenderness is shown all over their faces.  As if life will be the same forever.
     Where have all the love gone now?  Why is she here alone and wondering?  When yesterday, there was a promise of a happy future.
     Slowly, she remembers, the traces of tears that fell down from her eyes when he had said goodbye.  He'll keep in touch, he had promised, before kissing her one last time and walk away towards the plane that will bring him near to his success.  Success he will share with her in time.  Days passed by and it came to weeks, consoled herself that he's just busy settling down to a new life without her, and so weeks came to months and she's waiting for him, thinking he's busy claiming success that he is dreaming for them, months sadly went to years and she waited.  When finally, it reached her that success came to him, but he had forgotten her now, when he's reaping the rewards of his success, the promise that he left her were all abandoned, the way she was neglected in one corner of his past.  he had walked away then and he never bothered to comeback to her anymore.
     She had grown tired of waiting for him; she will gather herself back now and leave everything behind.  Life has to go on, and though it hurts so deep she will have to be content that once in her life she had loved truthfully and lost it to someone who is not meant to be. She may or she may not love again, but still there will be traces of love that will linger on in her heart forever.  Traces of love, lost and forgotten.
Written on: August 08, 2010 at 14:37pm in Sharja, UAE.